Mirnaa Menon, an actress known for her captivating performances in Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu films, has carved a diverse career path. Initially starting under the name Adhiti Menon with the 2016 film “Pattathaari,” she showcased her talent in various projects like “Big Brother,” “Crazy Fellow,” and the recent “Ugram,” highlighting her adaptability across industries.
Her Instagram presence often creates a buzz, with recent pictures garnering praise for her elegant style. One particular image features her in a stunning beige designer saree, captivating viewers with her graceful demeanor.
Before embracing acting, Mirnaa worked as a software developer in Dubai. However, her true passion led her back to Kerala, where she began her journey on television using her original name.
During the filming of “Nedunalvaadai,” she faced a difficult period under the screen name Athira Santhosh, reporting harassment and torture by the director. This led to an attempted suicide, highlighting the challenges she faced. However, she emerged stronger, changing her name to Adhiti Menon and finding success with “Pattathaari.”
Mirnaa’s recent credits include “Jailer” and “Naa Saami Ranga,” with upcoming projects like “Birthmark” and a collaboration with director Ameer and writer Vetrimaaran further solidifying her promising future in the industry.