While most celebrate birthdays with cake and balloons, actor Prakash Raj chose a different path for his recent one. In a heartwarming display of solidarity, Prakash Raj extended his support to Sonam Wangchuk, a prominent educationist and environmental activist from Ladakh, who is currently on a hunger strike.
Sonam Wangchuk’s 21-day hunger strike demands statehood for Ladakh alongside four other crucial points. Ladakh, a region known for its breathtaking natural beauty, is currently a Union Territory. However, residents fear that without statehood, the delicate ecosystem could be disrupted by unchecked development and exploitation of natural resources.
Raj’s birthday message wasn’t just a personal act; it brought much-needed attention to Wangchuk’s cause. Sharing a post captioned “It’s my birthday today…and I’m celebrating by showing solidarity with @Wangchuk66 and the people of Ladakh who are fighting for us…our country…our environment and our future. Let’s stand by them #justasking,” he urged others to stand with Ladakh in their fight for a sustainable future. This act of public support highlights the environmental concerns surrounding Ladakh and emphasizes the importance of responsible development.
Sonam Wangchuk’s specific demands include granting Ladakh the status of a tribal area under the 6th Schedule of the Indian Constitution. This designation would provide the region with greater autonomy in managing its land and resources, ensuring its unique cultural and environmental heritage is protected. While the path forward may be challenging, Prakash Raj’s birthday message serves as a reminder that collective action and unwavering voices can bring about positive change.