Sundar C, the mastermind behind the popular Tamil horror-thriller franchise “Aranmanai,” is ready to terrify audiences once again with the fourth installment titled “BAAK” (Telugu version). This upcoming film marks the return of the chilling saga known for its haunted house setting and spine-tingling scares.
The “Aranmanai” franchise has a history of featuring prominent South Indian actresses. The first film saw Andrea Jeremiah and Hansika Motwani take the lead, while the second installment brought back Hansika alongside Trisha Krishnan. In the third movie, Raashi Khanna teamed up with Andrea once more.
For “BAAK,” Sundar C ropes in the talented Tamannaah Bhatia alongside the returning Raashi Khanna. The first-look posters offer a glimpse into their characters. Tamannaah, as Shivani, appears serene in a traditional half saree holding a lamp, hinting at a possible protagonist role. In contrast, Raashi’s character, Maaya, portrays a look of pure horror, suggesting she might have witnessed something terrifying.
Directed by Sundar C himself, who also takes on a lead role, “BAAK” boasts a strong technical team. Hiphop Tamizha composes the music, while Krishnamurthy handles the cinematography. Avni Cinemax is the production house behind the film.
“BAAK” is slated to hit the theaters on April 26th, 2024, just in time to send shivers down your spine during the warmer months. With the franchise’s successful track record and the star power of Tamannaah and Raashi, the film has generated decent buzz among fans. Both actresses are looking to deliver a box office hit, adding another layer of anticipation to the release.