Mamitha Baiju, the talented Indian actress, has captured the hearts of fans once again with her mesmerizing performance in the film “Premalu.” Her portrayal of Reenu in the movie has left audiences spellbound, and her stunning pictures from the Instagram have taken social media by storm.
In recent Instagram pics, Mamitha shines in a beautiful red saree paired with a matching blouse, adorned with red lipstick and a hair locket. Her curly hair adds to her charm as she embodies the character of Krishna, exuding grace and elegance against the backdrop of a serene beach.
Mamitha Baiju first stepped into the spotlight in 2017 with her debut in “Sarvopari Palakkaran.” Since then, she has carved a niche for herself in the Malayalam film industry, earning praise for her diverse roles. From portraying Alphonsa in “Operation Java” to captivating audiences as Anju in “Kho-Kho,” Mamitha has showcased her versatility as an actress.
Her endearing portrayal of Sona in “Super Sharanya” and Gopika in “Pranaya Vilasam” further solidified her position as a rising star in the industry.