Can Mohan Babu make ‘Denikaina Ready’ in this way?

Mohan Babu and his son Vishnu along with other cast and crew of Denikaina Ready are vehemently arguing that they never hurt anyone’s sentiments in the film and people should enjoy the comedy scenes and should not take anything seriously. They requested all not to precipitate the issue. Had the film makers used their senses and called brahmin organisations to discussion table in the beginning, things wouldn’t have come to this stage.

The film shows a muslim youth entering as a brahmin to unite his mother’s brother who got separated due to some instances. There he was seen singing film songs during all powerful ritual chandi homam. Priests who accompanied him were shown as people who run after money for any thing and are unaware of their traditional rituals. They were shown smitten by the tastes of haleem and chicken while brahmin lady was shown finding resemblances of her husband in other males.

Now many started questioning Mohan Babu who is advocating to see film as a film and comedy should be enjoyed has guts to rewrite Denikana Ready story and show it in this manner with a brahmin in the guise of muslim attire enter a muslim family to unite and perform namaaz and their rituals singing film songs and show their wives as someone seeing their husband in other male. Will they preach even muslim brotherhood to see the film as film and not to get hurt. No one has the guts to take the film in this manner and when they don’t have,they should not find soft targets.