Prasanth Varma, the acclaimed director behind blockbuster liks Hanuman, is now gearing up for an even bigger project. He’s set to collaborate with Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh, causing excitement among fans and industry insiders alike. The buzz is real as anticipation builds for their upcoming film.
The title for this much-awaited collaboration has been unveiled as speculationsare ride that the film will be titled Brahmaraksasa. It’s a title that promises intrigue and excitement, much like Prasanth Varma’s previous works such as ‘Awe’ and ‘Zombie Reddy.’ ‘Brahmaraksasa’ is expected to follow in the footsteps of these unique and captivating storytelling styles.
With ‘Hanuman,’ Prasanth Varma ventured into the realm of superhero narratives, and it seems ‘Brahmaraksasa’ will continue along that path. Ranveer Singh, known for his versatility and willingness to take on challenging roles, has reportedly given his nod of approval to the script.
While ‘Hanuman 2’ is currently in focus for Prasanth Varma, ‘Brahmaraksasa’ is on the horizon, poised to captivate audiences in Hindi and other languages. This marks an exciting new chapter in Prasanth Varma’s cinematic journey, one that is eagerly anticipated by fans across the globe.
On the other hand, Ranveer Singh is keeping busy with projects like Rohit Shetty’s ‘Singham Again’ and Farhan Akhtar’s ‘Don 3,’ showcasing his range as an actor and his commitment to delivering memorable performances.