The prestigious Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) is set to host the world premiere of Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman’s latest documentary film, “Headhunting to Beatboxing.” This marks Rahman’s second major production venture, following the critically acclaimed “99 Songs” which debuted at the Busan International Film Festival in 2019.
Directed by Rohit Gupta, “Headhunting to Beatboxing” embarks on a captivating journey of music and tradition. It delves into the vibrant musical heritage of Nagaland, offering an anthropological exploration of rhythm and sound. The documentary traces the fascinating evolution of music in the state, encompassing the ancient practices of headhunting tribes and the contemporary sounds of a musical renaissance.
Expressing his delight about the film’s premiere at IFFM, Rahman stated, “The film holds a special place in our hearts. It illuminates the beauty of Nagaland and its rich cultural and musical tapestry.” Adding to the excitement, “Headhunting to Beatboxing” is also in contention for the festival’s best documentary film award.
Director Rohit Gupta shared his elation, remarking, “We are honored to be selected for competition at IFFM. The narrative, with its focus on the transformative power of music, holds global significance. The film is a culmination of five years of meticulous work, and I am eager to witness the audience’s response and their exploration of Nagaland’s unique musical landscape.”
Scheduled for its world premiere at IFFM 2024, “Headhunting to Beatboxing” promises to be a captivating experience for audiences worldwide. It sheds light on the untold stories and vibrant musical legacy of Nagaland, offering a glimpse into a cultural treasure trove.