Akash Puri, now known as Akash Jagannadh, is gearing up for a career-defining role in his upcoming film, ‘Thalvar’. The young actor, who has previously starred in films directed by his father Puri Jagannadh, is aiming for a fresh start with this action-packed thriller.
The recently unveiled first look poster showcases a dramatic transformation for Akash, with a rugged and intense appearance that hints at a high-octane action-oriented role. The tagline promises a blood-soaked saga filled with epic emotions, raising anticipation for the film.
Directed by Kasi Parasuram, ‘Thalvar’ is being produced by Warnick Studios. The film features music by Kesava Kiran and cinematography by Trilok Siddu. With a promising team behind the project, the makers are confident of delivering a thrilling cinematic experience. As the promotional campaign unfolds, audiences eagerly await further details about the film’s plot and cast.