YSRCP leader Sharmila who is on padayatra ‘Maro Prajaprastanam’ in Kurnool at present threw an open challenge to TDP supremo Chandra Babu whether he will support No Confidence motion if YSRCP brings in one. She said no one among people has belief in this Govt and none is of the opinion that the Govt is giving good governance. She accused the Cong Govt is continuing in power due to Chandra Babu Naidu’s vested interests. She said Cong failed in all fronts and promised people that her brother Jagan will bring Rajanna Rajyam once he becomes CM.
She in Rachchabanda program, which happened to be YSR’s favorite program said people are facing problems on all fronts under COng rule.She said seeds,petrol,gas,diesel are on rise and Govt is not giving input subsidy. She said during YSR regime workers used to get Rs 130 everyday but now they are not even getting Rs 30. She alleged MPs,MLAs,Ministers and CM are getting treated in corporate hospitals while depriving people of even the facility of Arogyasri by removing many diseases from the list. Now all eyes are on Babu and how he counters Sharmila and YSRCP allegations.