CM Kiran Kumar Reddy is becoming the punching bag for all. While it is not common for opposition to attack CM and the ruling party on one issue or other, even his party colleagues,cabinet ministers are attacking him daily with many of them even predicting change of guard. With long time ally MIM withdrawing support branding him of a replica of late PM. PV.Narasimha Rao and even accusing him of colluding with BJP, his troubles increased even further.
Though Cong High Command is at pains making it clear that there won’t be any change in CM, rumor mongers are working overnight with websites and media spinning articles on Kiran’s exit ways. In the midst of all this main opposition party TDP stepped up the ante and boasting their party is always secular while Cong is in secret understanding with RSS turning communal.
They sought to know whom is CM Kiran is afraid of and targeted MIM did they not know that Rajiv Gandhi gave permission to Shilanyas during his regime.They did not even leave rival YSRCP asked what sharmila knows branding her as a novice. They questioned saying she doesn’t even know how and when no confidence motion is passed.