Srikanth Addala, the director of this decade’s biggest multistarer, Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu casting Mahesh Babu, Venkatesh had began the filming the climax sequence of the movie. Mahesh Babu, Venkatesh, Samantha, Anjali, Prakash Raj and other important artistes will participate in this schedule in Hyderabad. The movie which was earlier scheduled for December 21st release will now release on January 11th due to shooting delays. On the other side, audio will release on December 13th on the occasion of Venkatesh’s Birthday.
Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu directed by Srikanth Addala and produced by Dil Raju casts Samantha and Anjali in the female lead roles. Guhan is cranking the camera and Mickey J Meyer is scoring music.