Veteran director Kodi Ramakrishna has been unwell. He had been fasting for two days, consequent to which his blood pressure levels dipped. He had undergone a bypass surgery in Chennai on Saturday. The director was admitted to Vijaya Hospital in Chennai. Senior Cardiologist Dr. D.J. Reddy and a team of experts have conducted the surgery and it was later said to be successful. Several industry biggies are expected to visit him very soon. His son has informed the media that Kodi is now fine. He is recuperating in the hospital.
Kodi Ramakrishna has worked with top actors in Tollywood and has directed more than 100 films including super hit films like Intlo Ramayya Veedilo Krishnayya Mangamma Gari Manavadu, Ankusham, Ammoru, Arundhati, etc. The director is currently working on a film on the life of Sri Satya Sai Baba.