Sri Rama Rajyam producer Yalamanchili Sai Baba’s son Revanth’s debut movie ‘Intinta Annamayya’ had a bad start. During the shooting of the film at Aruku near Visakhapatnam on Tuesday, assistant cameraman G.Bhanu Prakash died on the spot and his assistant K.Krishna had severe injuries due to electrification. It is reported that, during the shooting of a song sequence on the lead pair, the crane carrying the cameraman comes into contact with 11 kva live wires resulting the death of the cameraman. Immediately they were rushed to near by hospital, but Bhanu Prakash was declared brought dead and Krishna is fighting for his survival. Bhanu Prakash belongs to Tanuku in West Godavari district. He is survived by wife and two children.
This film is produced by Saibabu under Saibabu Movies banner and it is directed by K.Raghavendra rao.