The name Pulivendula in Andhra Pradesh is well known as it is represented by Rajasekhar Reddy’s family since 70’s. Now this constituency is in news with Sharmila during her padayatra in her stronghold attacked the Govt stating the people of Pulivendula are facing lot of problems raising the eyebrows of seasoned political analysts and even common people. Many started questioning her how come Pulivendula which happen to be the strong fort of YSR family could face problems when it was ruled and is currently ruled by the family.
They say Sharmila’s allegations lack wisdom as YSR ruled the state for more than 7yrs and her mom Vijayamma and Brother Jagan are both MLA and MPs and no one dare to act against them. If still Pulivendula is facing problems of backwardness, then it highlights the inefficiency of YSR family and YSR rule. Her comments came as blessing in disguise for her opponents TDP and Cong which started attacking her and YSR family for looting public money and expanding their black money business.
Now it has to be seen how Sharmila and YSRCP leaders will counter these allegations and what people of Pulivendula have got to say on Sharmila’s coments.