Former minister and Secunderabad containment MLA P Shankar Rao has been arrested by the Central Crime Station (CCS) police on Monday for allegedly harassing her daughter-in-law Vamsi Priya. After reaching police station, the politician complained of dizziness and soon he was shifted to a hospital where the doctors have told that his condition is stable.
Few days ago, Vamsi Priya filed a writ petition in AP High Court seeking the arrest of her husband Shashank, father-in-law Shankar Rao, mother-in-law Vishwa Shanti and sister-in-law Sushmita accusing them of harassing her for dowry and treating her in an inhuman manner.
It may be recalled that a criminal court earlier directed Shankar Rao and his family to surrender before the police and also to surrender their passports to seek bail. However, they neglected the order and even police didn’t act fearing the political power of the MLA. Now, the case gained focus with Vamsi Priya approaching the High Court for justice. Finally, the cops have swung into action to put the most controversial MLA behind the bars.