Charmi once cast a magic spell on Tollywood’s top heroes like Balakrishna, NTR, Nagarjuna,Venkatesh, Prabhas, Siddarth, Ravi Teja, Sumanth, Nitin later disappeared from silver screen for some strange reason. Movie lovers who wished to see her sparkle were left disappointed. She however spoke for Kajal in Chandamama. She mesmerised all in Mangala and when many felt that movie lovers won’t be able to see her again on silver screen suddenly she turned ‘Sakkubai’ and tempted everyone by selling garam chai in King Nagarjuna’s Damarukam.
An item here and item there is making the day for Charmi. While everyone is waiting for the release of Damarukam so that they can enjoy her beauty she is busy romancing Puneet Raj Kumar in Bengaluru. In the midst of all this she won Nandi award and with this Tollywood film makers focus is once again on Charmi. Devi Sri Prasad who scored tunes for ‘Sakku Bai’ is of the opinion that Charmi will send sensuous signals to movie lovers as Sakku Bai and she will get more such offers with the release of the film. Even Charmi is hopeful that the item injections of Devi will work wonders for her in form of golden opportunities.