RR Movie Makers of RR Venkat has entered into Tollywood like a storm. They were almost near to changing the film equations of Telugu industry by experimenting with variety of business practices. At one time, even veteran players like Suresh Production, Geetha Arts and Dil Raju too stood shocked with the strategies of RR. Unfortunately, they disappeared from industry in no time with disasters like ‘Damarukam’ and never to release ‘Autonagar Surya.’
One among their profit making films was ‘Businessman’ of mahesh babu in the direction of Puri Jagannath. Though movie ran to full crowds in initial days of release in the hangover of ‘Dookudu,’ very soon the poor content and no story in it killed the revenues. However, Salman Khan seems to be one person who has shown interest on this script and sent his brother Arbaaz Khan for acquiring the remake rights from RR Movie Makers. The deal is heard to have been closed for a fair price and in this way Mahesh is still helping RR banner financially.