During the telangana march, many mobs indulged in large scale violence and police though showed extreme restraint,slapped cases on all those who instigated violence and who actually participated in violence.COuple of days back Telangana T-Employee union leaders met Home Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy, to direct law enforcing authorities to withdraw all cases that were slapped on people.
How ever Home Minister Sabitha whom many term as most ineffective and weak, suddenly became serious and questioned T-Employees how can they ask for withdrawl of cases on people who indulged in large scale violence. She mocked at the employees asking them whether can anyone expect Govt to felicitate those who caused immense damage to public property. She even turned tables on T-Employees what happened to their promise of organising peaceful protests. T-employees did not have any strong arguments in favor of them and so they were seen searching for answers.
Many of these employees felt since Home Minister Sabhtha Indra Reddy who hails from telangana region could be easily managed and if she dont they can blackmail her invoking Telangana sentiment. Now one has to wait and watch for howlong Sabita don’t bow to this emotional blackmailing.