Actor Nikhil bounced back in his career by scoring hits continuous hits like Swamy Rara, Karthikeya and Surya Vs Surya. But from the last couple of years, he has lost his form and his films started to fail at the box office. This has also affected his market value in the industry. His last film was Kirrak Party which was released one and half year ago.
His upcoming film Arjun Suravaram is struggling to get released from the last six months. Nikhil wanted to work on the sequel of Karthikeya for a long time. But director Chandoo Mondeti was busy with some other projects at one point of time. After wrapping up Arjun Suravaram, the duo wanted to announce the project but Nikhil backed out for some reason. Even though the producer was ready, he waited for the script to get finished.
The situation would’ve been different if Arjun Suravaram had released on time. But after the film’s fiasco, Nikhil is going for the producers only after hearing out the full bounded script. Finally, yesterday he hinted that his next project would be with Chandoo Mondeti but didn’t confirm that it is Karthikeya 2. Any which ways, the duo is getting back together and we have to wait and see if Nikhil gets back to the success track even after losing market in the last couple of years.