Nithin and Trivikram’s A..Aa is currently shooting in Vishakapatnam. They makers have earlier planned April release for the film, but are now looking at May release. The movie will now hit the marquee on May 6th as Summer Special.
The makers will very begin their promotions with the First Look Teaser release planned later this week. The audio release event will happen some time in March or early April. Anirudh Ravichander walked out of the project midway due to some issues and Mickey J.Meyer is brought in his place.
Earlier Senior art director Rajeevan also opted out of the film and AS Prakash was brought in to do the job. Samantha and Anupama Parameshwaran are the heroines. Nithin will be seen as Anand Vihari while Samantha will be Anasuya Ramalingam in the film.
Trivikram’s close friends, Harika and Haasini creations is producing this youthful entertainer. They previously produced Trivikram’s Julayi and S/O Satyamurthy.