SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali is all set for a grand release on July 10th across the globe. After this movie’s promotional activities, Rajamouli will move on to the shooting of Baahubali-2. The shooting of Baahubali-2 is already 40% complete and Rajamouli had to finish the remaining then.
In one of the media interviews, Rajamouli announced that he is so interested to do the sequel for his previous blockbuster film, Eega. The idea is in a nascent stage and we will have to see if Rajamouli takes up this project after Baahubali-2.
Eega is one of the monumental films in Telugu film industry. Jakkana making use of technology, made the revenge story of feeble insect so believable. With this movie, Rajamouli had got national-wide fame but due to marketing glitches, the movie could not exploit Bollywood market.