According to inside sources, upcoming Telugu movie Rough is a rich tribute to late actor Srihari. The movie happens to be the last film that is releasing of Srihari. Starring Aadi and Rakul Preet as lead pair, we hear that Srihari’s performance is what captivates and adds value to the project.
Recently Censor Board has appreciated the film especially Srihari’s role. Although Srihari plays a pivotal role, the makers of the film chose not to use Srihari for publicity and rather wants to just underplay it as a mark of respect for the star. “Producer Abhilash made sure that no picture of Srihari and no visual of him is seen in trailer,” said source in the know adding that, “Srihari is very good family friends of producer’s father Sudarshan Rao and so Disco Shanti.
Both families share good rapport and they were devastated by his sudden demise.” Directed by newcomer Subba Reddy, the movie is slated for Nov 28 release. Let’s wait and see Srihari’s last film.