Nithin, Samantha and Trivikram Srinivas’ A..Aa has completed its full run at the box office. The movie had managed to collect 47.48 Crore Share in its full run, missing the coveted 50 Crore Share club by a whisker. It would have been a monumental achievement for the movie if it had reached there.
The summer holidays advantage and Trivikram’s popularity helped the film immensely as family audience lapped up the film big time. Even best of the trade analysts are surprised by its consistent run. We will have to see if Nithin keeps up the good work with his future films.. Here is the breakup of A..Aa Final Total Collections:
Nizam: 13.15 Crore
Ceeded: 4.20 Crore
Uttarandhra: 4.30 Crore
East: 2.35 Crore
West: 2 Crore
Krishna: 2.2 Crore
Guntur: 2.5 Crore
Nellore: 1 Crore
AP+Nizam : 31.7 Crore
Karnataka: 3 Crore
ROI: 75 Lakhs
USA: 10.66 Crore
ROW : 1.37 Crore
Total WW: 47.48 Crore