Aadi Replaces Allari Naresh?

Ever since Nagarjuna Akkineni’s Bhai bombed at Box Office, its director Veerabhadram Chowdary has been running from pillar to the post for his next movie. Although initially he managed to rope in actor Allari Naresh with whom he already made a film (Aha Na Pellanta), it failed to take off for reasons best known to director and actor. 
The latest buzz in Film Nagar is that Aadi would be cast in Veerabhadram’s next. After his action drama Rough meeting unfortunate fate at the ticket windows, Aadi decided to join forces with Veerabahdram. Adding to this, producer Anil Sunkara who tasted disaster Aagadu, comes on board on this project. 
It is learnt that all these three are working vigorously to make this project a commercial hit to bail out themselves from previous films. Currently, Veerabhadram is shaping up the script as Aadi is shooting for his next movie Garam with director Madan. Soon after wrapping up this, his yet-to-be-titled movie with Veerabhadram would go onto floors.