Superstar Mahesh Babu’s highly-anticipated Telugu movie Aagadu, which has been directed by Srinu Vaitla, has completed the formalities of the Censor Board and the movie has received a U/A Certificate .The film all set to hit screens on this Friday and fans were eagerly waiting to catch the movie on big screens.The film teasers and dialogues got roaring response.But here comes the disappointing news for all who want to hear them on big screen.
According to recent reports many of the dialogues from the film was muted by censor board.Not only that Dikki Balisina Kodi that was seen and heard in the teasers got changes in main film. Censor Board that has given nod for the dialogue in teasers has suggested replacing the word Dikki with Mekki.
Here are few other dialogues those were deleted/muted from the film.
Dikki (twice) in the dialogues Dikki Balisina Kodi replaced with Mekki
Baddalavuthundi was replaced with Parugu Pettisthadu
Media in the dialogue Mediani Ram Gopal Varma Konna Rakamga was replaced with Publicity Ni
Bokka, Pachchi Pakodi, Nee Aayya, Naa Kodaka, Bongem Kadu were muted
Boku, Boku Nayala, Bokedhava were replaced with Chetta Vedhava
Doola Theerindi was replaced with (Baaga Ayyindi)
Bokkalo was replaced with Lopala
Milky Beauty Tamanna is the leading lady and Sexy Siren Shruti Haasan will appear in a hot item number.SS Thaman has composed the music and the songs have already entered into the chart-busters list.