At a time producers of straight Tamil films postpone their releases due to the present disastrous rain situations in Tamil Nadu, the dubbed Tamil version of Mahesh Babu’s Tollywood hit Aagadu will be hitting the screens soon. The makers, Badrakali Films, who have already tasted success dubbing Mahesh Babu’s Srimanthudu as Selvandhan, claim that they are confident of its success of Aagadu’s Tamil version titled Idhu Dhanda Police.
They also say that Mahesh Babu has a sizeable fan following in TN. Besides, Telugu movies made at a grander budget offer plenty of action, colour and sizzling heroines, which helps make blockbusters out of the films.
While Tamannah is playing the female lead, Shruti Haasan grooving to a hot item number is said to be the highlight of the movie. Directed by Sreenu Vaitla, Idhu Dhanda Police also has Nasser and Sonu Sood in key characters.