Mumbai: Aamir Khan and team ‘Dangal’ have shifted base from Ludhiana to Pune. The actor and his filming crew were spotted at a reputed college in the state. According to online reports, the college has been renamed as ‘National Sports Academy’ for the film. The crew have also been spotted shooting in the canteen area, classrooms and the college hall.
Filming will reportedly go on for 8-10days. Fans of the superstar have also posted a number of pictures from the sets online. A few images show the crew setting up the lights and cameras, while others show give us a peek at the actor’s costume cases.
‘Dangal’, that is based on the life of Indian wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat, was previously shot in Ludhiana in the villages of Gujjarwal, Kila Raipur, Narangwal, Dango and Leel.