Once very popular actress Aarti Agarwal said to have passed away. She is 31 and yet to be married. Reports are emerging that Aarti is being treated in a hospital in Atlantic City of New Jersey where she is undergoing a liposuction but the surgical procedure went wrong resulting in cardiac complications for the actress.
Aarti Agarwal was a rage when she made her debut with Nuvvu Naku Nachav in 2001. She went places in her career and almost romanced all the top heroes at that time. However from NTR’s Allari Ramudu she started putting on weight which slowly disfigured her.
Opportunities dried down and the bad patch even forced her to do several B grade films. She is undergoing the liposuction to revive her career when this happened. We join our readers in expressing our heart felt condolences to the bereaved family.