Actor-turned-director Avasarala Srinivas, who made a splashy directorial debut with Oohalu Gusagusalade, seems to have struck Golden chance. According to sources, Srinivas has recently narrated a script to actor Nagarjuna. Although Nag is yet to give his nod, the Manmadhudu star said to have impressed with the script and apparently suggested few changes.
Buzz has it that producer Sai Korrapati, who launched Avasarala Srinivas and on a spree of producing movies, is likely to produce his second film as well. However, the talks are in nascent phase. An official announcement will soon be made once everything gets finalized.
Nagarjuna Akkineni seems to have changed his track and working with new-age directors of late. Especially after disaster show of Bhai, Nag opted towards young talent.