Award-winning director-cinematographer Ashok Kumar Aggarwal passed away in the wee hours of Wednesday at his residence in Chennai. He was 70. Ashok had been battling for life for over six months. He was on ventilator for a while and when his condition got deteriorated, his family members brought him back home where he breathed his last. He is survived by wife Jyothi and four sons. His last rites were performed on Wednesday evening in Chennai.
Ashok is well-known to Telugu audiences for his classic love tale Abinandana, starring Karthik and Shobhana in the lead roles. Before wielding the megaphone for six films, Ashok cranked camera for several Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam films. He was the cinematographer for Shankar’s Jeans which has Prashanth and Aishwarya Rai as lead cast.
The film’s graphics were much talked about then and so his cinematography. He received a National Award for his work in 1980 Tamil film ‘Nenjathai Killathe’. He also worked as a cinematographer in Hindi and English films such as ‘Sacha Pyaar’ and ‘Backwaters’, respectively.