Action King Arjun is one of the talented actors of South India. He is all set to sport a villain role in Stylish Star Allu Arjun and ace director Trivikram’s combo film. This interesting news is currently making rounds in the tinsel town. Earlier, Arjun was seen as a villain in Maniratnam’s ‘Kadali’. But it was a Tamil film and Allu Arjun-Trivikram’s combo movie would become the first Telugu movie for Arjun as an antagonist. This movie will go on floors soon.
Allu Arjun is currently busy working for his short film’s shoot. He has recently completed hsi portion of ‘Gona Gannareddy’ role for Gunasekhar’s ‘Rudhramadevi’. This cameo role of Allu Arjun is expected to enthrall the audiences in theaters.