Veteran actor-writer-literary personality Gollapudi Maruthi Rao, who is a resident of Visakhapatnam city that was devastated in Hudhud cyclonic storm recently, lauded state government and Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu for his massive efforts. Gollapudi said, “Not many could fight against natural calamities effectively. Timely action by our state government has minimized the loss of lives. This is certainly a very great achievement. Although there is huge loss of property, government is swiftly taking measures to restore normalcy at the earliest.”
Appreciating Naidu, Gollapudi shared, “I have not seen a Chief Minister setting up camp in a cyclone-hit area for days together to personally oversee the rescue and relief operations. It’s very uncommon.”
Gollapudi is a man of few words and he rarely speaks. But when he speaks, he’s very candid and wears a heart on his sleeve. With none other than this senior actor, Vizag resident heaping praises on Naidu, it’s certain that Naidu won the hearts of Vizagites.