Actor Sivaji was attacked today by BJP men outside the Gannavaram airport. It all happened, when a large number of BJP party workers and followers of Kanna had gathered outside Gannavaram airport to welcome newly elected state BJP chief Kanna Lakshmi Narayana. Along with Kanna, Sivaji also arrived in the same flight from Hyderabad to Vijayawada.
Seeing Sivaji, a few followers of Kanna have mobbed him and tried to assault him for criticizing Modi and BJP over the gross injustice to AP. But the presence of media and police personnel have averted the BJP activists. Police have swung into action and pacified Kanna’s followers and ensured that Sivaji leaves the airport safely.
Yet, the cameras of TV channels have captured the over-action done by a few BJP sympathizers over there. Speaking to media on phone later, an emotional Sivaji said he is not scared and he will not stop criticizing Modi & BJP until the Special Category Status is accorded to AP. He said a few leaders of BJP were nice to him, but alleged that a few “paid artistes” who were “brought” for showcasing “strength” were behind this. Sivaji said he remembers all the faces of the “paid artistes” who tried to assault him and said he will take an action against them. Sivaji alleged that he could clearly see “Balupu” in the people who tried to attack him at the airport.
Of late, Sivaji has been strongly voicing his opinion against BJP and Narendra Modi for not fulfilling the promises they made to AP, while Special Category Status being the major promise besides Special Railway Zone to Vizag, Steel Plant plan in Kadapa and 15 other promises.