Dialogue King Sai Kumar has teamed up with the Vijayawada City Police as a brand ambassador. At an event organized today, the Vijayawada City Commissioner AB Venkateswara Rao thanked Sai Kumar for accepting to be the brand ambassador of the City Police. As a part of his association with the city police, Sai Kumar will be launching an app titled ‘Nalugo Simham’ on 21st June.
The Nalugo Simham app has been specially designed at the behest of Vijayawada Police for the safety of city dwellers within the limits of the Vijayawada commissionerate and Sai Kumar will exclusively endorse the app to make it reach a wide section of the people.
Though famous for his power-packed dialogues, Sai Kumar is particularly popular for his cop roles in films like Police Story and AGNI IPS etc. The name of the app Naalugo Simham has been derived from Sai Kumar’s famous dialogue ‘Na topi pai kanipinche moodu simhalu nyaayaniki, chattani ki, dharmaani ki pratiroopalaithe… kanipinchani aa nalugo simhamera ee police ‘ from the iconic blockbuster film, Police Story.