Bollywood actor Chunky Pandey’s daughter Ananya Pandey is now all over into news across the circles of social media. Ananya’s mother Bhavana Pandey posted the picture of Ananya which went viral all over in minutes and there are talks that Bollywood biggies Salman Khan and Karan Johar are in plans to launch Ananya.
After the picture has been uploaded, Bollywood director Farah Khan posted a comment “Do a DNA test pls.. shes too lovely to b chunkys child”.
However she added a laughter emoticon which did not make the comment controversial. The picture has been quite popular already and Ananya is now one among the list of the most talked celebrity kids in Bollywood. Recently, Ananya’s dad Chunky Pandey revealed that he has no objection if she wants to be an actress.
However there are talks that Ananya is being specially trained and an announcement about her debut will be out soon. Ananya’s recent picture has been getting hundreds of likes and she has been recently spotted with Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan at the Lakme Fashion Week.