Actress Asin Thottumkal is out of action for long time. The actress was last seen in a Hindi film ‘Khiladi 786’ was a disaster. When the Kerala Kutty was finding tough to grab opportunities in South as well as in Bollywood, media reported she is getting married soon with a US based businessman. However, Asin condemned the reports saying she was not ready for the marriage.
Now, latest buzz is that Asin is dating Micromax founder and executive director Rahul Sharma whom she met through a common friend 10 months ago. Rahul was a special guest at the actress’s birthday party hosted last year at a suburban hotel on October 26. Not so long ago, Rahul had told a section of the media, “My family is my parents and my sisters. Now that my sisters are married, it’s really just my parents and me.” Well, seems, he now has a beautiful friend to keep him company.