Character artist Apoorva has lodged a complaint against Denduluru MLA Chintamaneni followers at Hyderabad Cyber Crime Cell. Apoorva has alleged that Chintamaneni along with his followers are deliberately targeting her and making wild accusations against her on social media
Speaking to the media Apoorva said, her ex-husband is a close aide of Chintamaneni and he posted a video in the social media and is trying to defame my character. “All the allegations made by my ex-husband are untrue. I have submitted evidences that I have with me to the cops and they have assured all the possible help,” said Apoorva.
Long back Apoorva has reportedly made some bad remarks on Chintamaneni and she suspects this episode might be the responsible for dragging her ex-husband into the latest issue. Regarding this issue, she said she did not make any statements against Chintamaneni back then and now.