In a country that practices secularism, sometimes limits are crossed whether it is a song being played a Ganesh pandal, the special prayers at Churches during December or the Azaan call coming from a mosque. This is in connection with the loudness of the sound that is coming from the speakers at these places.
After singer Sonu Nigam complained about the unwanted loud sound coming up from a mosque nearby his locality, now it’s the turn of actress Suchitra Krishnamurthy to do the same. “Came home at 4.45 am to most aggressive/ ear shattering call of azaan. Nothing more lowlife & dumb than such extreme imposed religiosity” she tweeted, three days ago. And then, a war started on twitter as usual with various people taking sides, some calling her as brave while others slamming her for hurting their religious sentiments.
But many people felt that prayer calls coming from Masjids in the mornings and late evenings should be run on reduced volume as the sound easily disturbs anyone. And some demanded that prayer call as their right to religion in this secular country.
Including Samajwadi party leader Abu Azmi, many termed Suchitra Krishnamurthy as a character less woman who comes home very late after drinking and partying, and the complaints about azaan. Some of the twitterati went on calling her as a prostitute for raising her voice.