Anil Kapoor’s doting daughter and Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor is a straightforward person. She has guts to react on any issue. She dares to speak on Aamir Khan’s controversial ‘intolerance remarks’ and India-Pakistan politics. The stylish diva says she faces unfairness whenever she travels abroad and terms it as part of human nature to judge people on the basis of brown skin.
According to her, people’s attitude changes on the basis of physical appearances. Reacting to Aamir Khan’s intolerance remarks, Sonam quipped, “Intolerance is a very broad term. I don’t understand India-Pakistan politics at all, but if people of our country can work everywhere, I don’t think that there is anything wrong in people from anywhere else to work in our country.
I’ve worked with Fawad Khan in ‘Khoobsurat’, who I think is a brilliant artist, is completely different from the fact that he is a Pakistani.”
On film front, Sonam is currently enjoying the success of Prem Ratan Dhan Payo. Meanwhile, the damsel is shooting for Ram Madhvani directing biographical film Neerja Bhanot. This film shows how a young flight attendant fought for the lives of her passengers.