South actress Sangeetha is now grabbing media’s attention after her mother, Bhanumathy, registered a complained against her at the Tamil Nadu State Commission Association for Women alleging that she was thrown out of the house at old-age. Bhanumathy claimed that her daughter tried to take away her hard earned property.
The whole accusations made the actress open up about the issue. On Twitter, she came up with a clear message that her mother used to make her sign blank cheques. She also added that her mother has always exploited her since she was 13 years old. The actress went on to accuse her brother, calling him an alcoholic and drug addict.
“Dearest Mom, Thank u for bringing me to this world. Thank you for pulling me out of school & making me work from the age of 13. Thank u for making me sign in all blank cheques. Thank u for exploiting me for the comfort of ur Alcoholic & drug addict sons who never went to work their entire life. Thank u for cornering me inside our own house for not budging to ur decisions. Thank u for not getting me married until I fought my way out. Thank u for constantly disturbing my husband & thereby spoiling my family Peace. Thank you for teaching me how a mother should not to be. And finally Thank u for all the false allegations & these latest accusations, because knowingly or unknowingly u ve only made me evolve from a dumb kid to a fighter & now to a very mature, strong & a bold woman.. will always LOVE U FOR THIS)6 ei One day u will step out of ur EGO & definitely FEEL PROUD OF ME, wrote the actress.