Actress Sushmita Sen shared some new pictures from the wedding of SS Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya to Pooja Prasad, which was held over the weekend in Jaipur.
Sushmita, who looked fabuous in Neeta Lulla lehenga attended the big fat Indian wedding with her parents Subhra and Shubeer Sen, daughters Renee and Alisah, and rumoured boyfriend Rohman Shawl. Sushmita was invited to the wedding by Pooja’s family.
“Moments from Pooja and Karthikeya’s wedding. Introducing my Amma and friend Mr and Mrs Prasad – Pooja’s parents and my adopted family. And of course, the super gracious Prabhas. What precious memories,” she captioned the post.
Sushmita also posted this video of Karthikeya and Pooja Prasad showering rice grains on each other as a part of the wedding ceremonies.
“May each grain of rice bring abundance of blessings, love, happiness and divine prosperity to you both. Congratulations Pooja and Karthikeya, your wedding was filled with such beauty, joy and grace. Here’s to a blessed journey of togetherness,” she wrote.