South actress Bhuvaneswari, who has gained prominence by essaying a certain kind of characters in films, has hit headlines following her 23-year-old son was arrested by Tamil Nadu police.
Mithun, Bhuvaneshwari’s son, was arrested on charges of stalking a MBBS girl student, and allegedly threatening to kill her if she didn’t love him. He has harassed the girl many times in the past too. In one incident, he reportedly poured kerosene around her house and tried to set it ablaze, and in another, he broke CCTV cameras installed outside her house. Despite all this, Bhuvaneswari was allegedly supporting him, instead of cautioning him.
He was taken into custody on Wednesday following a written complaint by the girl.
It has also come to light now that Bhuvaneswari has married her son to a maid working in her house, since he had allegedly started a forced affair with her. The girl’s parents have approached the High Court accusing the mother-son duo of torturing their daughter, and they sought the apex court to annul the wedding.