Mumbai beauty Kamna Jethmalani had shot to fame in Tollywood with back-to-back hits like Ranam, Samanyudu,Bendu Apparao R.M.P, and Kathi Kantha Rao. She had acted in other southern languages like Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam and tasted success.
Kamna Jethmalani was the guest in the previous episode of the popular Telugu talk show Alitho Saradaga’ hosted by comedian-actor Ali. During the show, she was asked about her comeback to film by Ali.
Taking the question, Samanyudu actress Kamna Jethmalani said she wants to make a comeback to films and has been waiting for a good project. She said, she wants to appear in special songs.
Saying that she liked Kajal Aggarwal’s special song Pakka Local from Janatha Garage, Kamna Jethmalani expressed her willingness to appear in likewise songs. She had earlier shook her leg in Mahesh Babu starrer Sainikudu in ‘Orugalluke Pilla’ folk song.
Kamna Jethmalani was last seen in Tollywood in 2013 in Jagadguru Adi Shankara. She was married to Suraj, a noted businessman in 2015. The couple was blessed with two daughters.