Hema, one of the most in demand character artistes in Tollywood, wished that the Telugu Film Industry should be shifted from Hyderabad to Andhra Pradesh. Adding further, Hema said that she wants to see herĀ district, East Godavari, flourish with a film industry. Hema also revealed her plans to build multipurpose film studios to develop the film production scene in the Godavari district.
Speaking on the occasion of her visit to Dwarampudi, Hema said that she is already in the lookout for convenient lands in between Rajahmundry and Razole to setup film studios. Urging the locals to be more respectful towards film industry people, Hema said that warmth and welcoming nature of the locals will motivate the film industry bigwigs to relocate to East Godavari.
The actress also said that she completed 25 years as an actress and that she acted in 465 films until now. Hema also clarified that there are no disputes among the MAA members and that all the allegations were only limited to the elections.