Adavi Sesh is teaming up with Lakshmi Manchu for an upcoming crime comedy. Tentatively titled Pilavani Pernatam, the duo will be seen as husband and wife in the film although we hear that the film has neither romantic nor intimacy scenes. Venkanna Babu of Jagan Nirdoshi fame is wielding the megaphone and the film also features comedian Dhanraj in a significant role.
Meanwhile, Sesh has handful of projects lined up. While he is doing another film “Kshanam”, he is playing pivotal role as a prince in Rajamouli’s magnum opus Baahubali that is due for April 17, 2015 release.
Although Sesh has shot to fame with Pawan Kalyan’s Panjaa where he turned heads with his performance as a spoil-brat, it took a while for him to get offers. Sesh is pinning high hopes on 2015. Let’s see what’s in store for Adavi Sesh.