Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotsavam is limping at the box office. The movie is heading towards being the second biggest disaster of all time in the entire South India. The makers have removed 15 minutes of the footage from the film from second day onwards basing on the feedback from the audience. Interestingly, they have also chopped out a scene which has a little cameo of director Srikanth Addala.
Post interval, Mahesh Babu and Samantha land in Varanasi and start talking to each other in strange way. The actress is seen leans on Srikanth Addala in that scene and talking to Mahesh Babu. That scene was removed from the film. We are said that the director wanted to have it in the film but the makers have decided to remove it. Besides that, the Kolatam sequence and an entire song – “Put Your Hands Up” is also removed from the film. Nasser’s scene before the climax is also left out.
The makers of Brahmotsavam are in talks with the distributors for a possible settlement on the issue. The buyers are demanding a compensation for the heavy losses. We are said that Brahmotsavam Makers are reportedly planning to refund distributors if they failed to reach 60% recovery. No refunds if more than 60% recovered. The quantum of compensation will be decided after the movie’s run is complete.