Mumbai: Aditya Roy Kapur, who was last seen in 2014 film ‘Daawat-e-Ishq’, has sported three different looks in his much awaited upcoming film ‘Fitoor’. In the film, we’ll see Aditya sporting a hip avatar, then an urban look and also a suave look. Reportedly, the film’s script demanded Aditya too try various different looks. Aditya pulled off these different looks without any difficulty.
The film, directed by Abhishek Kapoor, of ‘Kai Po Che’ fame, is an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic novel ‘Great Expectations’. For the very first time, we’ll see Katrina and Aditya sharing the screen space with each other. In ‘Fitoor’, we’ll see Katrina Kaif playing the role of Firdaus, where as Aditya plays the character of Noor. Earlier, the film also starred Rekha, who was later replaced by Tabu.
The film also stars Aditi Rao Hydari, Lara Dutta, Rahul Bhatt and is scheduled to release on February 12, 2016.