After 4 Months, Telangana Still Missing on Map

Telangna region has been always claiming that its people are ignored and not only that insulted by Andhra Pradesh and some even went to the extent of claiming that even Central Government insulted them many times. People of Telangana always feel alienated as many decisions regarding usage of power, water goes against their interests. 
Now rubbing salt to their wounds, Union Home Ministry Affairs which completed the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh to create Telangana as 29th state, completely ignored the new born baby of India. In its official website, Telangana name doesn’t feature in the list of states of India and even not shown in the Indian map on Home Ministry Official website. 
This even after Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have their own home departments with respective DGPs. However though Telangana state police have recently launched a smarphone app for locating lost vehicles but it still uses AP police website All online services of Telangana state police are provided by the website of AP police.