Just a couple of weeks ago, adult film star turned Bollywood diva Sunny Leone said that she will be the “happiest girl in the world” of she could get a chance to share screen space with superstar Aamir Khan. Aamir promptly made Sunny ecstatic when he said that he too would love to act with her if the script is good.
Now, there’s one more star in Sunny’s wish list and surprisingly, a Tollywood star. It is none other than the Tollywood’s firebrand veteran actor Mohan Babu. However, Sunny didn’t reveal the reason behind her secret desire.
Sunny earlier teamed up with Mohan Babu’s youngest son Manchu Manoj in her Tollywood debut film Current Theega. The Manchu family touched Sunny and her husband Daniel Weber with their hospitality during the shoot and this could be the real reason.Well, just like Aamir, will Mohan Babu give his nod to team up with Sunny?