New Delhi: Salman Khan’s good boy roles seem to be finding patronage among Hindi movie audiences. After “Bajrangi Bhaijaan”, the superstar’s “Prem Ratan Dhan Payo” (PRDP) has managed to zoom past the Rs.200 crore mark in India, thereby becoming only the second Bollywood film this year to cross the figure. The Hindi version of PRDP brings back the superstar to a family drama film as Prem, and marks Salman’s reunion with his “Maine Pyar Kiya” and “Hum Saath Saath Hain” director Sooraj Barjatya after 16 years. PRDP has collected Rs. 201.52 crore in 14 days since its release, read a statement from the makers.
The film, with a royal tale, also stars Sonam Kapoor, Anupam Kher, Swara Bhaskar, Armaan Kohli and Neil Nitin Mukesh. Salman has a double role — as an arrogant prince, and another as a jovial peace-making person.
Made on a budget of Rs.60 crore with Rs.20 crore spent on publicity and advertising – the film released on November 12. Trade analyst Komal Nahta tweeted: “PRDP becomes the second film to cross 200 crore in 2015. Total all-India net for 14 days (it opened on a Thursday): Rs. 201.52 crore!” Presented by Fox Star Studios, the family entertainer is produced by Rajshri Productions. It also released in Tamil and Telugu. Meanwhile, “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” managed to cross Rs.300 crore in the country. It was a film whose story about a Hindu man taking a mute Pakistani girl back to her country, tugged at the hearts of the audiences. It’s interesting how while in “Bajrangi Bhaijaan”, Salman’s character Pawan was shown as a devotee of lord Hanuman, in PRDP, one of his characters worships lord Ram.